TASKalfa 8353ci Series - Update Training

training placeholder image
  Staff de Ventas, Staff de Servicios, MDS
  30  minutos
Precio: 0,00 €

Breve descripción

  • The course, a WBT (web-based training), is based of the rta-ta8052 Rapids, communicates the news and differences of TASKalfa 8353ci/9003i series in comparison to TASKalfa 8052ci/9002i series.

Dirigido a

  • Service Technician

Contenido teórico y práctico

  • Visible Changes
  • Improvements and Enhancements
  • Consequences

Participar en este curso te permitirá…

  • Remember the differences to the predecessor
  • Recognize the new and common options
  • Remember the new security functions
  • Remember the new unit changes and their positive impact


Este módulo del curso es un "paquete" que contiene otros módulos del curso.

TASKalfa 8353ci Series - Update Training - Exam
TST Test | 15 minutos | Inglés
Detalles y Fechas