KYOCERA Printers - Introduction

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  Todos los empleados
  45  minutos
Precio: 0,00 €

Breve descripción

  • This e-learning course will familiarize you with KYOCERA's ECOSYS concept. It will give you an idea of the product range and you can find out about the market position of KYOCERA printers.

Dirigido a

  • All Employees

Contenido teórico y práctico

  • The ECOSYS Concept
  • Product Overview
  • Platform Strategy

Participar en este curso te permitirá…

  • you will be familiar with KYOCERA's ECOSYS concept.
  • you will have gained an overall impression of the models of KYOCERA printers


Este módulo del curso es un "paquete" que contiene otros módulos del curso.

KYOCERA Printers - Introduction - Knowledge Test
TST Test | 10 minutos | Inglés
Detalles y Fechas