Printing Technology - Introduction

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  Staff de Ventas, Staff de Servicios, MDS
  Formación Estandar
  45  minutos
Precio: 0,00 €

Breve descripción

  • This course will teach you the basics of printing You will become familiar with three important printing technologies, you will learn more about laser printing and you will find out some interesting things about paper and toner.

Dirigido a

  • All Employees

Contenido teórico y práctico

  • Printing Technology
  • Paper
  • Toner
  • Resolution

Participar en este curso te permitirá…

  • explain the fundamentals of dot matrix printing, ink-jet printing and laser printing
  • explain the seven steps involved in laser printing
  • explain the difference between line and page printers
  • explain why the use of the right paper and original toner is important
  • explain the concepts ofresolution and printing speed.


Este módulo del curso es un "paquete" que contiene otros módulos del curso.

Printing Technology - Introduction - Test
TST Test | 15 minutos | Inglés
Detalles y Fechas