Selling Capture Solutions

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  MDS, Staff de Servicios, Staff de Ventas
  35  minutos
Precio: 0,00 €

Breve descripción

  • This course offers an introduction into the Capture Solutions market, outlining how business pains can be cured by capture solutions.

Dirigido a

  • Sales Representative, Pre-Sales Representative

Contenido teórico y práctico

  • The challenge named "Information Explosion"
  • What is document capture?
  • Typical scenarios for KCM
  • Benefits and business drivers of KYOCERA Capture Manager

Participar en este curso te permitirá…

  • identify the triggers for capturing needs
  • recognize the difference between structured and unstructured data
  • define the term "Capture"
  • identify the benefits and business drivers of KYOCERA Capture Manager
  • discuss scenarios with potential customers


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Este módulo del curso es un "paquete" que contiene otros módulos del curso.

Selling Capture Solutions - Knowledge Test
TST Test | 15 minutos | Inglés
Detalles y Fechas