Learning Card - Introduction to Production Printing

training placeholder image
  Staff de Ventas, Staff de Servicios, MDS
  Hardware, Production Printing
  10  minutos
Precio: 0,00 €

Breve descripción

  • This learning card will help you remember the main features concerning Production Printing.

Dirigido a

  • Service Technician, Sales Representative

Contenido teórico y práctico

  • This learning card is intended to help you recall the main facts conveyed in the eLearning video module EG-IPP-E10
  • It is designed to work on mobile devices (responsive) so that it is well accessible whenever you want to demonstrate or recall the main features of Production Printing.

Participar en este curso te permitirá…

  • Recall the main features of Production Printing and the differentiating factors from the office printing market.


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Este módulo del curso es un "paquete" que contiene otros módulos del curso.

Introduction to Production Printing Learning Card - Exam
TST Test | 1 minuto | Inglés
Detalles y Fechas